Sunday 20 September 2015

Visiting the Life Education Van

Room 6 really enjoyed visiting the Life Education Van.  We talked with Harold and are learning about the Circulatory system.

Marae trip

We are very much looking forward to our school visit to our local Marae.
We have written stories about what we will be doing at the Marae and how we are feeling.

Our Solar System

Tuesday 8 September 2015

I love Young Engineers

I had fun making a conveyer bait . I  was so excited!!!.

I love Young Engineers

Young Engineers are people who make stuff with things like conveyors. Also a man will help you too. When you first get a set of Lego you get mess because you think it will be hard but it is not it will be fun. When you finish it will be moving.

By Anaru

Young Engineers

On  3rd of September it was engineer  day for room 6.   Our  class was really lucky because we got to make "conveyor belts."  Two people came to teach us about engineers and about how to make a conveyor belt with Lego . We needed a lot of things. It was very exciting to make a conveyor belts.

Amazing Young Engineers

The Young Engieers came on 3rd of September in the morning.we neded a motor, rubberband, pulley, axle, bush,  driver,  plate and poles.

Fun Young Engineers.

All Of Room 6 did junior Engineers .the 2 people who run it was Mhaea and Matua.  They 
were really nice people.     When the school bell went Room 6 came in class and it was second block and Room 6 came and did junior Engineers.  We were the first class Room to do junior Engineers.    When. we came in all of the people in Room 6 counting me had no idea what was Engineers and we saw two adults,   they were Matua and Whaea.